Sunday, May 24, 2009


It was so nice to be able to not go anywhere yesterday, and not have to do anything. I haven't been able to just sit here and relax in forever. I did manage to get some work done. I cleaned out the freezer and two shelves of the pantry in preparation for the grocery run I'm about to do. No more eating out, no more eating junk. I also rearranged my room a bit and cleaned a lot of it. I still have to do some organizing, but the majority, I'd say about 75%, is done.

Once I get the eating under control I'll join a gym.

Ive gotten two of my final grades back so far. I got an A. I was so happy. I know I have either a B or an A in one of my other classes. In math I got a C... I missed a B by less than two points. That's going to make me crazy! I wish these teachers would hurry up and put these grades up. I'm assuming I got a B or C in my english class. Next semester I'm going to work by butt off and get all As and Bs.

Alright, I gotta get ready and head to the grocery store. I'm already cutting it close by being back by 1:15 and still having time to get ready and get to my best friend's grad party!

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